Team Kigers Of Frejes

Team Kigers Of Frejes

International breeder of Kiger Mustangs run by Jessica Furman Monasdotter.
At the moment the team consists of eight breeding mares (KMS Diamond, KMS Rosie, Bayo Alteza, Frejes Princess Tansy,
Bayo Viva la Raza, Poppy, Nesa, Bayo Novadosa, Piece Of Cake) and one stallion (Bayo Altivo)

Jessica performes Liberty dressage, Trick raining and Academic Art Of Riding.

“I personally would like to thank Fredrik, my fantastic husband, for being so supportive in my work with the horses.”/Jessica

Our history

Remember the feeling from when you were a child, leafing through your favorite horse magazine over and over again, longing for the next release? Or the horse posters you taped on to your wall so frequently that the flowers on the wall paper was all covered in the end?
Remember the times you built a show jumping course with sticks, brooms and buckets?
Imagining you were the owner and rider to the most beautiful horse in the world? The hedges went higher and higher and so did your imagines and dreams? The dream about your own horse. In my case, a Mustang.
The dream to start with horse breeding grew stronger and stronger. But I had not found the right breed yet, although I knew which one that could fit like a glove. All begun with me and my husband Fredrik reading an article about a man, Tomas, who showed out to be a very important person to me, both regarding to horses but also as a friend. This was in 2010,and not in a million years could I ever believe that it would lead to this.
Tomas had a Mustang male foal for sale, and there and then I decided that he was going to be mine.
Tomas said, “-Go home and think about it, and we will see what you think within a week”. For me there was no need for thinking, this horse was mine!
There my Kiger Mustang-journey begun. Heathcliff was his name. Within two years we had five mares. In October 2011, we went over to the States with Tomas and his wife Lotta. We were about to
make the highest bid for two wild caught mares in an auction in the middle of the wilderness of Burns, Oregon.

Diamond got her name from the wedding ring. When the auction was over we went to the paddocks to watch the horses. Right there,among
hundreds of Mustangs, Fredrik asked me to marry him. This was on the 9:th of October, and the same evening I found out that everything already was prepared, the Swedish church in New York was booked.

Three days later we got married! The wedding dress and other stuff I bought in less than a day. Some things takes time, other happens in quite a rush

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Words of wisdom

"It is difficult to get it right with your horse until you get it right with yourself."

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